uprising (n): an attempt by a group of people to change the government, laws etc in an area or country
Synonyms: rise, come up
Antonyms: harmony, peace
E.g.: The Hungarian uprising was quickly suppressed.
poverty (n): the situation or experience of being poor
Synonyms: abjection, aridity
Antonyms: abundance, richness, luxury
E.g.: Poverty is more common problem all around the world.
mandatory (adj): if something is mandatory, the law says it must be done
Synonyms: compulsory, binding
Antonyms: voluntary, unnecessary, optional
E.g.: Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
liberty (n): the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority
Synonyms: autarchy, freedom
Antonyms: imprisonment,restraint
E.g.: She ordered that all prisoners should be given their liberty.
revolt (v): if people revolt, they take strong and often violent action against the government, usually with the aim of taking power away from them
Synonyms: sedition, rising
Antonyms: harmony, peace
E.g.: Some members of the government may revolt against this proposed legislation.
Synonyms: rise, come up
Antonyms: harmony, peace
E.g.: The Hungarian uprising was quickly suppressed.
poverty (n): the situation or experience of being poor
Synonyms: abjection, aridity
Antonyms: abundance, richness, luxury
E.g.: Poverty is more common problem all around the world.
mandatory (adj): if something is mandatory, the law says it must be done
Synonyms: compulsory, binding
Antonyms: voluntary, unnecessary, optional
E.g.: Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.
liberty (n): the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority
Synonyms: autarchy, freedom
Antonyms: imprisonment,restraint
E.g.: She ordered that all prisoners should be given their liberty.
revolt (v): if people revolt, they take strong and often violent action against the government, usually with the aim of taking power away from them
Synonyms: sedition, rising
Antonyms: harmony, peace
E.g.: Some members of the government may revolt against this proposed legislation.
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