accelerate (v): to happen or make something happen sooner or faster
Synonyms: advance, quicken, expedite
Antonyms: decelerate, slow down, impede
E.g.: They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.
integrity (n): the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change
Synonyms: honesty, candor, forthrightness
Antonyms: corruption, dishonesty
E.g.: No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.
intimacy (n): a state of having a close personal relationship with someone
Synonyms: affinity, close relationship, friendship
Antonyms: disagreement, incompatibility
E.g.: It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.
inevitable (n): certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
Synonyms: compulsory, certain
Antonyms: avoidable, escapable, uncertain
E.g.: The accident was the inevitable consequence of carelessness.
annotation (v): to add short notes to a book or piece of writing to explain parts of it
Synonyms: comment, note
Antonyms: blank
E.g.: The annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible.
Synonyms: advance, quicken, expedite
Antonyms: decelerate, slow down, impede
E.g.: They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.
integrity (n): the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change
Synonyms: honesty, candor, forthrightness
Antonyms: corruption, dishonesty
E.g.: No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.
intimacy (n): a state of having a close personal relationship with someone
Synonyms: affinity, close relationship, friendship
Antonyms: disagreement, incompatibility
E.g.: It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.
inevitable (n): certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented
Synonyms: compulsory, certain
Antonyms: avoidable, escapable, uncertain
E.g.: The accident was the inevitable consequence of carelessness.
annotation (v): to add short notes to a book or piece of writing to explain parts of it
Synonyms: comment, note
Antonyms: blank
E.g.: The annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible.
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